Living Well for Tweens

When do you wish you could hear better? At school? With your friends? This exercise can help you answer that question and point out some things you could do to make the situation easier for you.

Just choose a situation in the pictures and then check the suggestions to show how you could make it easier to hear in that place. You could do this with someone close to you (like your parents) who might have some good ideas.

Email your results to your hearing care provider or take them with you to discuss at your appointment.

Communication Situation


Choose or upload an image
Choose image
Indoor activities
At a school assembly
Birthday party
Group work
In the car
Lunch time
On the playground
Playing sports
At a restaurant
Talking in front of the class
Upload image

Describe the problem

Click/tap anywhere in the field to start writing.

Rate your situation

Drag the slider into the correct position.

Which ideas could help?

  • Put yourself where you can hear better Think about the best place to hear well at the location. Choose a seat in good lighting so you can see who you are speaking to. If one ear is better than the other, put yourself where it will face the speaker.
  • Make a plan for the place ahead of time Will there be a lot of background noise? Is there one person or many you need to speak with? Think about how to best handle the situation before you arrive.
  • Let others know you have a hearing loss People are usually willing to help if they know you have a hearing problem. Tell them you have a problem and how they can help.
  • Don’t pretend you don’t have a hearing loss You will miss out on more if you pretend you are hearing everything. Sometimes just asking someone to speak more slowly or face you is enough to make a big difference.
  • Move things in the room to make hearing easier Move chairs closer together, close windows if there is outside noise, and turn down the TV to make it easier to hear.
  • Ask people to repeat themselves when necessary If you don’t understand something, ask the person to say it again or say it differently. The person you are speaking to wants you to hear what they are saying, just like you do.
  • Think about why you are having difficulty in that situation Sometimes asking people to face you when they speak to you or to speak more clearly is enough to improve the situation. Think about what is causing the problem and if you can do anything to improve it.
  • Write your own idea to help yourself

Click/tap anywhere in the field to start writing.

Who can help you?

Check as many as you want.

  • Mom
  • Dad
  • Brother
  • Sister
  • Friend
  • Teacher
  • Classmate
  • Audiologist
  • Other

Do you want to describe another situation or finish?


Thank you for completing Living Well. Here is a summary of your answers.

Share your results

Click below to email your results or save them as a PDF.

Share your results

Situation 1

I find the situation : Unknown

Which ideas could help?

Who can help you?


Situation 1


I find the situation :

Which ideas could help?

Who can help you?


Living Well for Tweens